Well, it's taken a while for me to read this next book. I'm working on the next one already, hopefully it doesn't take me almost 2 months to read this one...
I read this book a few years ago, but didn't remember anything about it. So I decided to read it again. Initially I didn't like this Jason Bourne as much as I like the Matt Damon version in the movies. This Jason Bourne just seemed too vulnerable. Whenever he would go through the motions of the training he couldn't remember, he would have a moment of existentialism where he would think "Why am I doing this?" Jason Bourne doesn't question himself!
However, the plot in this book is excellent. I think they should have included it in the movie. There is a villain who (so far) is in the Bourne Supremacy as well. I only read when I'm chained nursing, so I get 10 pages or so at a time before I have to maneuver a newborn again.