Sunday, June 21, 2015

Book 11 of 2015- "Bringing up Bebe" by Pamela Druckerman

This was a fantastic read. I have been looking for ways to help Cora sleep longer at night, and Alyse recommended it to me. There were many things that French parents do that I like. They start letting their children cry for a little bit at night from a very little age, and their children sleep through the night much earlier. They call it, "The Pause". I've been doing it with Cora, where when she starts crying I wait a few minutes before I get up with her. And you know what? A lot of times she does fall back asleep!
Another thing that I really liked is the fact that women in France aren't allowed to just let themselves go during pregnancy. I always had people tell me "Eat whatever you want, you're pregnant", or "It will all come off after you have her, it doesn't matter!" While I know a lot of my weight WAS from swelling, especially at the end, I could have been better with my diet. But if I lived in a place like France where they have the societal pressures to stay thin it might have helped my diet. They also expect women to get back into shape quickly.
They teach their children to wait from a young age, and that helps them learn to handle themselves more patiently. They don't have children's menus at restaurants, because they expect that their children will develop their palates and learn about each food that they try.
Even from a young age, they talk to their children and have confidence that they will be understood. I've started doing this, explaining to Cora when I am going to change her diaper (which I do before I feed her). And she doesn't cry while I am getting her stuff for diapers.

There were some things I didn't agree with (no nursing, you have to get back to work in a few months), I will be trying a lot of these methods out.

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