This was a very interesting book, albeit somewhat dry and academic to read. The things that I learned from it that I can apply to Cora right now include the reason why some kids get so wound up at night (it's a natural body reaction to becoming fatigued, and the stress you feel is supposed to be a natural body evolutionary reaction from when hunters were on the run), that earlier is usually better for night time sleeping (sometimes as early as 5:30 in extreme cases!), follow the baby's natural "sleep rhythms", and no bottles of anything other than water at night if they must have something. I want to buy the book to re-read when Cora hits another stage, because I kind of skimmed over the toddler section since I didn't need to apply it to her for now.
The one thing I can't get on board with is crying it out. I know that is a controversial method for sleep training, but for me I can't stomach the idea. We are in a tiny apartment and to think of sitting there while Cora screams for 45 minutes makes me teary eyed. But luckily it probably won't have to come to that with her, because she is such a good sleeper right now. We will see what happens when future children are bad sleepers and I'm that much more tired. But for now, I will use his method of "gradual extinction", and just keep working on our nighttime routine. And hopefully will get her starting to go to bed earlier, since right now it is about 10-10:30 that she will finally fall asleep.
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