Monday, April 25, 2016

Book 24- "Clockwork Prince" by Cassandra Clare

I loved most of this book, because it explained so many of the unanswered questions in the first book.
Will and Jem are such good friends (which is a mystery because nobody else seems to like Will) because they took part in a ceremony to become "parabatai" with each other, which essentially means blood brothers. They are bound together to always have each others' backs, and to sacrifice themselves for the other person if necessary.
Will is an unpleasant and rude person because of his history. His parents left the Nephilim to lead a normal life. But the Institute can come every 6 years to offer the children of this family the chance to become a Shadowhunter. When Will was 12, he opened a box that contained a demon. The demon cursed him that anyone who loved him would die, and that night his older sister died. So he left his family and went to the Institute and refused to see them, in order to protect them. When he fell in love with Tessa (which I KNEW he did, even though he was so rude to her), he went to a werewolf named Magnus in order to try and find this demon to remove the curse.
There is a family called the Lightwoods who want control of the Institute, and challenge Charlotte for it. They remind me of the Malfoys (crossing universes here), because they are very prideful of their bloodline. They also complain that the Institute is not guarded well enough, and offer their two sons Gideon and Gabriel to train Tessa and Sophie. Gabriel is very much like his dad, but Gideon doesn't seem to approve of his family's ways. Eventually Gideon and Sophie begin seeing each other, and he tells her that his dad is actually in cahoots with the Magister.
In the meantime, they are hunting down the Magister, which leads them to his childhood home in Yorkshire. When they are approaching the house, they see Will's younger sister Cecily. Through the Law he isn't allowed to talk to them, but he tries to chase her down anyway. Then they discover a robot is watching them, and they chase it down and destroy it. They also discover that Jessamine is a (somewhat unwitting) spy for the Magister, and Tessa's brother is killed in the struggle when they blow a robot up. Will almost dies in the process while protecting Tessa.
The one character in the book I can't understand right now is Tessa. There's like 5 days in a row where she kisses Will, then Jem, then Will, then Jem, then Will, then gets engaged to Jem when they think the Institute is closing. Then she has to break Will's heart. She says she loves Jem but I just know that he is going to die by the end.

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