Saturday, January 2, 2016

Book 1- "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" by Newt Scamander

I feel a little bad even counting this, but it is a book. Even if it is 60 pages. I was able to read it while trying to put Cora down for her first nap post-California trip (unsuccessfully).
This is totally something that only Harry Potter fanatics would find interesting. It is a guide to the magical creatures that are in the Harry Potter books, listed alphabetically. They also discuss how dangerous the creature is, and a brief description of it.
I am AMAZED at the imagination that some people have. While I had my own level of imagination (ask my mom, who found my 4th grade journal to only be descriptions of me in the Pokemon world), but I have never been able to imagine up my own original world. And while many of these things are based in mythology, there is still so much imagination.
I want her to publish more of the textbooks from Harry Potter! I'm also curious as to how this will be made into a movie (coming out later in 2016!)
This also fulfills one book of the Modern Mr. Darcy 2016 Reading Challenge- "a book you can read in a day".

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