Thursday, January 14, 2016

Book 3- "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll

Classic #1 of the year done!
So, this is one of the classic Disney movies that I've never seen. I just checked on Netflix and they didn't have it. But I know most of the story, because it is so famous.
I've always heard how insane and trippy this book is, and how it's rumored that Lewis Carroll was on drugs when he wrote it. At first, I was thinking, "This isn't any weirder than many fantasy books that are out now!" Then I remembered that this was written the same year the Civil War ended. Yeah, it is weird. 
The thing that I appreciate in this book is that Alice is a real child. She isn't afraid to stand up for herself, even though she is being confronted with strangers who are often rude to her. She is also very curious but not stupid when making her choices (except when we are talking about eating and drinking things to make you bigger and smaller... Probably not the greatest idea!). So, for a girl who is put in this crazy place, she does just fine.
This book is combined with "Through the Looking Glass", so I'll finish that next. I do think this will be a keeper for our bookshelf!

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